Tuesday 2 November 2010

Who needs the help?

Exodus 19:1-20:26
Ten commandments.
It must have been amazing for Moses to have spent time 'with' God in such a intimate way on top of the mountain.

Mark 1:29-2:17
Jesus needed to spend time in prayer.
It seems strange that Jesus' command was that the leper shouldn't tell people about his healing.
What amazing friends-willing to smash a roof in to get help or their friend.
Jesus was with the people who needed his help.

Psalm 22:12-21
Please God stay close to me, don't be far off.

Monday 1 November 2010

Get other people to help

Exodus 17:1-18:27
God doesn't always give you a good job to do, Moses had to raise His hands, Joshua had to fight, but the worse job had to be for Aaron and Hur (great name), they had to stare and probably smell Moses' armpits as they held up his arms!
This is amazing advice for anyone, don't try and do it all on your own, let people share in the role of leadership-don't try and do it all on your own.

Mark 1:1-28
John pointed people towards Jesus-we should do the same.
Jesus spoke about 'good' news-have we as Christians made the news too 'sad'?

Psalm 22:1-11
Do I call upon God with such desperation when I am in need? Or do I just try and get on with it?

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Curtain ripped into two

Exodus 13:1-14:31
God didn't want them to return to Egypt, this meant He led them to the sea and when they had crossed they couldn't get back.
God will fight for you, you only need to stand still. I can often try and fight for God and not let Him do it.
It took all night to drive the sea back-it wasn't done in an instance.

Matthew 27:45-66
The temple curtain was ripped into two, and still is! We have access into the holy place because of Jesus' death.

Proverbs 4:20-27
Listen carefully to what God says and know them in your heart

Tuesday 19 October 2010

On the way-but it isn't straight forward

Exodus 11:1-12:51
The first passover, with blood being shed there is a salvation.
They are on their way now-they have been let go and start a journey towards the place that God has promised them.
As a Chistian I have also been set free and am on the way to a promised land. Why do I keep taking detours on the way?

Matthew 27:11-44
It is too easy to take these verses for granted when you ahve been to church as many times as I have! Awesome-Jesus died for me.....

Psalm 21:1-7
The king trusts in God

Monday 18 October 2010

I will trust in God

Exodus 9:1-10:29
The battle between Pharoah and the Lord is growing at a increased speed and intensity.

Matthew 26:69-27:10
How hard it must have been for Peter, but so many Christains have done the same at sometime.
We can and do deny that we know Jesus with our actions as well as with our words.

Psalm 20:1-9
Some people trust in chariots, trust in things of the world. I will trust in God.

Friday 15 October 2010

Running away?

Exodus 6:13-8:32
It was when Aaron lifted his staff that the miracles and plagues happened, not Moses
Some of them were copied by Pharoah's people, but they couldn't copy them all

Matthew 26:47-68
The disciples fled-what would I have done
They were trying to find false evidence against Jesus, but were unable!

Psalm 19:7-14
I want to please God with what I say and what I think

Thursday 14 October 2010

God will come through for us

Exodus 4:1-6:12
Moses and God 'work' together, when Moses isn't sure God gives him signs to help
The first response to doing what God commands is that the people's lives get worse....
God confirms that even though things aren't great now, He will bring deliverance to the Isrealites

Matthew 26:31-46
Jesus knew He was going to rise agian and told His disciples what He was going to do when He had
Do I fall asleep when on 'guard' for Jesus
The body is very weak

Proverbs 4:10-19
Stay in wisdom and you will see which way to go and save yourself from stumbling